Becoming a Vendor
Before any contracts can be signed, you must ensure that the speaker/performer is a vendor with the University of Florida. If that is not the case, read below.
Send an email to the speaker/performer, cc’ing the supplier department, with the information to the Supplier Portal Website.
A template of this email can be found on their website and in our shared drive.
- Budget Admin -> FORMS -> University of Florida Supplier Portal
Signing a Contract
After you have ensured that the speaker/performer is a vendor in the system, you can proceed to work on the contract.
A template for the contract for services can be found in our share drive.
- Budget Admin -> FORMS -> updated-UF-Contract-for-Service_2019
Now that a contract has been signed, you may submit it as supporting documents to our Receipt Submission Form. Please make sure you are detailed in your responses. This, alongside the contract, will be submitted to Procurement to approve.
The Admin Team will create the purchase order.