Receipt Submission
All receipts, invoices, and/or packing slips need to submitted within 3 business days of purchase. Signed receipts communicate that the items have been received and that payment can be authorized. If you have not received your item within three business days of being charged, please notify the Admin Team. We will hold off on payment until the items have been received.
*Note that if items are not received within 3 business days, receipts will need to be turned in the day you receive your items.
Failure to comply with the UF standards of procurement will result in revoking your PCard and purchasing capabilities.
Student Hiring
Once a prospective student hire has been interviewed and selected, and their FWS award package (if applicable) has been verified, you may proceed to the student hiring page. Here you will submit the student’s information. This will send an email to the student containing all of the information that they need to set up a hiring meeting with the Admin Team.
*Once you receive a notification from the Admin Team that the student is fully authorized in the system, you can then start scheduling them and begin their training.
Vendors, Speakers & Performers
Interested in contracting with a vendor or booking a speaker/ performer for your event? This page lays out the steps.
Professional Development Request Submission
Want to start planning for your annual professional development? This link contains the initial form you’ll need to get started. Be sure to schedule time to discuss your request with the supervisor in your area.