Officer Eligibility
- All student organizations and groups are subject to the regulations and policies of the University of Florida, including but not limited to, Regulations 6C1-4.016 and 6C1-4.017, concerning the Student Conduct Code and the Student Honor Code. Additionally, all students are free to join student organizations at the University, and are subject to all applicable University regulations, policies and procedures.
- Registration and official recognition of student organizations is administered by the Department of Student Activities and Involvement. All student organizations must be officially registered with the Department of Student Activities and Involvement in order to meet on campus, and to use University facilities.
Officer Eligibility Requirements:
- The following are minimum eligibility requirements for any student to hold a leadership position (President, Vice President or Treasurer) in an officially registered student organization at the University of Florida. Student organizations are encouraged to consider higher requirements if appropriate for their specific group.
- Undergraduate Students
- Full-time student with 12 credits in the Fall and Spring semesters and minimum 2.5 cumulative academic average.
- Graduate and professional students
- Full-time student for your enrolled graduate or professional program and minimum of 3.0 cumulative academic average or the minimum GPA required to remain in good standing.
- Postgraduate students, including post-baccalaureate students
- Must be enrolled in at least 12 credits.
- May not hold an office in a student organization for more than one semester.
- Checks completed each semester
- Students who have received approval from the Dean of Students Office or the Disability Resource Center to have a reduced course load due to a registered disability are eligible to hold leadership positions in student organizations.
- Eligibility verification will be conducted by the Student Activities and Involvement and Dean of Students Office each Fall and Spring semester. Officers that do not meeting the eligibility requirements will be notified that they must relinquish their office or submit an appeal to stay in their office for the semester in question.
- Be enrolled in a degree-seeking program at the University as an undergraduate, graduate, professional, or postgraduate student. Postgraduate student shall include enrollment as a post-baccalaureate student.
- Meet requirements for full-time registration and academic standing described below:
- Undergraduate students must be registered for twelve (12) credits in the Fall and Spring semesters, have a minimum 2.5 cumulative academic average and cannot have an academic warning or be on academic probation;
- Graduate and professional students must meet the requirements for full-time status for the graduate or professional program in which they are enrolled, or be registered for eight (8) credits if appointed to a half-time graduate assistantship, or nine (9) credits if appointed to a one-third time graduate assistantship. Graduate and professional students must also have a minimum of 3.0 cumulative academic average, or at least the minimum grade point average required to remain in good standing with the graduate or professional program in which they are enrolled, and otherwise be in good academic standing;
- Postgraduate students, including post-baccalaureate students, must be enrolled for at least twelve (12) credits. Postgraduate students may not hold office in a student organization for more than one semester while in postgraduate status.
- Correspondence courses will not be considered for (a) or (b) above. Students will be allowed to enroll for one in-residence course at another college or university and have those credits count toward full-time status only if that course is a required course and is either not offered at the University in the current semester, or is full during that semester. The foregoing provision may only be used by a student for one semester, and the student must present documentation from the academic department showing the course was either not offered at the University or was full as described above;
- Have no late or delinquent obligation for fees or other late or delinquent debts owed to the University; and be free of conduct probation.
- Undergraduate Students
- Notwithstanding (a) and (b) of this regulation, students in the last semester before graduation are eligible for participation in campus activities if they are enrolled for the required number of credits needed for graduation that term.
If Ineligible:
- Students not meeting the eligibility requirements as outlined will be required to relinquish their office and contact the Department of Student Activities and Involvement with their replacement by emailing sai@ufsa.ufl.edu with the name, position title and UFID of the officer. If a student fails to submit an appeal within (10) days of notification, the student relinquishes their office immediately.
Appeals Process:
- Appeals may be filed with the Department of Student Activities and Involvement within ten (10) days from the date on the notice if/when the basis for the ineligibility occurs. The date of notice is the date received or the date on which the notice is sent through electronic communication. You can find the appeals form HERE and are encouraged to add any subsequent documentation to support your appeal.
- Appeals will be heard by the Student Activities Appeals Committee, chaired by the Director of Student Activities and Involvement (or designee), and consisting of two (2) students appointed by the Student Body President, three (3) staff members for the Division of Student Affairs (including one from the Dean of Students Office) and one (1) academic advisor, appointed by the Chair. All committee members serve for one-year terms and may be reappointed.
- Decisions by the Appeals Committee are final.
- If a student fails to submit an appeal within (10) days of notification, the student relinquishes their office immediately.
- If the appeal is not successful, the President and Advisor of the organization will be notified and will have up to two (2) weeks to update the officer in GatorConnect. Failure to do so will lead to the organization’s registration status to be changed to INACTIVE until a new registration cycle or a new name is updated within GatorConnect.
A student who is notified of their ineligibility may file an appeal with the Student Activities Appeals Committee. The committee meets each semester to consider special circumstances for which an exception to university policy is acceptable.
If your appeal is not approved, you will be notified and required to relinquish your position. You may resign from your position by submitting a letter to the next highest officer position of your organization stating your resignation from office. The Department of Student Activities and Involvement must be notified of the new elected officer within 2 weeks after appeal decisions. You can update the officer lists by emailing sai@ufsa.ufl.edu or the staff contact listed on your notice letter with the name, position title, ufid and ufl email.